DANGER!, Will Robinson
As you may already know God has been speaking some Dakota House plans into Jamie's heart for some time now. He has been carefully protecting and providing for Dakota House in the recent past. Allowing Jamie to rest in Him and hear His soft yet persistent and unmistakable voice. The enemy has been pretty cool with that. Partially because Jamie is a fierce prayer warrior herself, and she has a large group of folks including myself praying for her regularly. But also because up until now, there has been no action, just plans. Well guess what, the plans are coming to fruition. And, here's a shocker. Satan is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore. The battle is on. Attack is coming our way, full on . Mostly hitting Jamie, but also me and the most difficult thing, our marriage. So if you're reading this, please pray protection into Jamie, myself, our marriage and our kids.