Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Out of Gas

Today Jamie called me to say that she had run out of gas while driving Nate and Emily to school. I drove back home to get the gas can, drove to the filling station, filled up the can, and then drove down 41 to rescue her. The whole time on my cell phone trying to fix computer problem cropping up at the office. Naturally there was a 3-mile long freight train impeding my progress, several busy school crosswalks slowing my driving, my credit card malfunctioning at the gas station, and on and on. All standing between me and my stranded wife. Then of course there is the riotous mass of humanity waiting to strangle me once I finally did arrive here at my office. In any case, while all that was going on; the clock was ticking away precious seconds of a day that is already about 10 hours too short. Now I am out of time. It seems like I am always out of that, even before the the day officially starts. When Jamie and I were first getting acquainted with each other we would write back and forth to each other often using a list to communicate ideas or other information. Today I shall begin to list all the things that I am commonly out of. Feel free to augment.

Out of gas
out of milk
out of context
out of breath
out of ideas
Out of time
Out of patience
out of the ordinary
Out of my mind
Out of Africa
Out of luck
out of sight
out of focus
out of this world
out of print
out of the past
out of the box
out of school
out of control
Out of energy
Out of service

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Sunday

Another Easter Sunday under my belt. I can look back 40+ years now and see myself. Plucking eggs from my folks garden as a toddler, doing the same at my grandparents homes (on alternate years). Marching down the center isle at church waving palm branches, watching my own children do the same. Helping Dad find the exact right picnic spot; not too sunny not to shady, a place for the BBQ, nice view. Not too crowded, not too long of a drive. . . Attending sunrise services, giant orchestrated musicals, small churches, big churches. Candy, gifts, flowers. Sometimes no church at all, riding a century or running a 10K. It's kind of interesting to me that nearly all of my Easter memories have nothing to do with Jesus triumphant victory on the cross. That whole resurrection thing has a pretty big impact on the rest of my days you know. Lots of Church, lots of food, even more of family. Not so much of Jesus. I think that this needs to change.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday

Today I am wondering how I will get all the things done that need to get done before Easter. Initially I was interested in attending a Good Friday service at noon today. But later thought better of it. Am already trying to cram too many things into my waking hours. Problems to solve at the office, visit dad at the Alzheimers home, purchase some dittys for the kids, tax preperation, yard work, BBQ this evening, fix broken window, blah, blah, blah.

I have this mantra continually addressing me. There's ALWAYS more that needs to be done. And if I do 'finish' something, I always question whether I've done a good job. Last week with Jamie's help we refinished the hardwood floor in the living room at Dakota House. It looks pretty good, but it would look a lot better if I had taken more time. . .

Any adult with a functioning brain can see that there are more things that need doing than there are folks to do them. See Luke 10:2. Ahh, but then I remember. We're not supposed to do it all, just what He has asked of us. Remember this bumper sticker:
OK Jesus, now you have my attention. I'm listening.

One night with the King (Check this out)

Life, In a nutshell