Monday, November 13, 2006

Forrest Gump

So there I was sitting bravely on the bench at the bus stop. A cheery orange bromeliad perched on the seat next to me. My Camel Bak resting on my lap. Wait a minute, is that moisture I feel in my crotch area? Looking down, I notice a large, very large wet circle centered around the fly area of my cargo pants. I guess that mouthpiece valve on my Camel Bak wasn’t closed after all. Just as my brain is beginning to process the mental image of this rapidly developing scene, I hear the familiar screeching brakes of the number 38 FAX bus pulling up to Roosevelt High School. As panic sets in, I take a deep breath while fishing my bus pass out of my wet trouser pocket and climb awkwardly onto the bus. As I flash my soggy pass at the bus driver, I look left down the long crowded aisle. Of course the ONLY empty seats are in the very back two rows. So I begin the journey down the aisle, carefully positioning the flower pot directly in front of me, the bromeliad blossom bobbing along just in front of my belly button. As I make my way through the crowd, I silently debate whether the strategically placed flower pot is calling additional attention to my soiled pants, or eclipsing it from their view as I had intended. Eventually I found an unoccupied seat at the rear of the bus, and not surprisingly, no one sat down in the empty seat next to me. As the bus churned its way northward down Cedar Avenue the flushness slowly drained from my face. My heart rate gradually returned to normal, and suddenly as I began to realize how funny life is, an irrepressible smile enveloped my face and stayed there for the 20 minute commute to my office.

Monday, September 25, 2006

for Cory

I am nerdier than 99% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Greg Boyd

There was a NY Times article in the Fresno Bee last Sunday. It was about a pastor named Greg Boyd. I liked what he had to say about Jesus and Church and America. Greg has written several books but the newspaper article centered around this particular one. I think I'm gonna read it. If you know anything about the soundness of this guys theology, I'd love to hear about it.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Mr. Deeds

Last night Nate, Jamie and I watched the incredibly witty movie Mr. Deeds. OK unless you're 7 years old Adam Sandler may not appear that witty. But still . . .

Anyway poet laureate Adam Sandler inspired me to write this soon to be pulitzerized poem regarding my incredible wife.

Ode to Jamie - Brad Barker

Jamie likes orange dream machines
and movies with fava beans
my love you're incredible,
so I'm glad you're not edible,
cause after one meal
I'd have lost the best deal
that could be made in a prayer
though I occasionally swear
and wear torn underwear
your words always inspire me
so I hope you don't tire of me

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I love it

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Famous Amos - "the burden bearer"

On Tuesday morning while driving to work I heard part of a sermon on Amos. How Amos was a shepherd/fig farmer living in a remote village, a veritable nobody of biblical proportion. How God picked this ordinary man and spoke through him to accomplish His purpose. So after hearing that sermon and reading the story myself, God has been infusing my thoughts with the story of this man. How God, at a particular point in time chooses people whom are ordinary or insignificant from the world's perspective to make an extraordinary impact today. For a while I couldn't figure out why He would not let this story leave the forefront of my waking thoughts. Finally He told me that I should look around and tell the Amoses (Ami, "Aim-eye"?) in my sphere of influence of their Amos-hood. So far I have told only one person, but if you are also one of those folks and reading this blog consider yourself informed.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran

But if in your fear
you would seek
only love's peace
and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you
that you cover your nakedness
and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world
where you shall laugh,
but not all of your laughter,
and weep,
but not all of your tears.